The easiest way to build your email list is to turn your visitors into subscribers. When someone comes to your site, you have the opportunity to build a relationship with them by asking them to subscribe. There are many ways to get your visitors’ email addresses. Here are some examples: Add an exit-intent popup box on your website and ask them if they’d like to subscribe to receive a discount code or other special offer.

Offer an ebook or other downloadable content that requires their email address in order to download it. Create a quiz, contest, or giveaway on Facebook or Instagram and require people to enter their information through an entry form in order to participate. The easiest way to build an email list is to offer a free ebook. Something that people will want, but won’t feel ripped off about getting for free.

How do you get them to give you their email address?

The technique is called “squeeze page.” It’s a separate page, with no links out it. The only thing on the page is a headline and a form. The idea is that the person gets to your site, reads the headline, and if they’re curious enough they fill out the form and give you their email address.

It works much better than asking them for their email address right away. When I ask someone for their email address right away, I’m asking them to make a decision before they’ve had time to get curious about what I have to say. If you make them curious first and then ask for their email address, they are much more likely to give it.

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